{"id":10078155,“日期”:“2020 - 09 - 30 - t22:09:38”,“date_gmt”:“2020 - 09 - 30 - t22:09:38”,“guid”:{“呈现”:“http: \ / \ / lsh3.sywhdq.com \ /?p年龄_id = 10078155 "},“修改”:“2024 - 02 - 03 - t20:45:21”,“modified_gmt”:“2024 - 02 - 03 - t20:45:21”,"slug":"equal-opportunity-and-affirmative-action",“状态”:“发布”,“类型”:“页面”,“链接”:“http: \ / \ / lsh3.sywhdq.com \ /equal-opportunity-and-affirmative-action\/","title":{"rendered":"Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action"},“内容”:{“呈现”:“
[vc_row row_content_width= " grid " css= ".vc_custom_1601503610215 {padding-top: 80 px !重要;padding-bottom: 80 px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1\/6″][\/vc_column][vc_column width=”2\/3″][vc_column_text]<\/a><\/p>\n

A 状态ment of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action<\/h2>\n

首席执行官查德·科特(Chad cottet)说&K科技公司.<\/strong><\/p>\n

S&K尽一切努力向每位申请人保证, 员工, 与我们有业务往来的一方,履行我们对平等机会和平权行动目标的个人承诺. It is, has been, and will continue to be the focus of S&K科技有限公司., to provide Equal Employment Opportunity without regard to race, 宗教, color, 国家的起源, 性, 年龄, 残疾, 怀孕, 受保护老兵身份, 或者其他保护组. 此外,这是美国的政策&K科技有限公司. to undertake affirmative action in compliance with all federal, state, and local requirements.<\/p>\n

Our continued success depends heavily on the full and effective utilization of qualified persons. 的年代&K执行领导团队将继续指导我们的就业实践,以确保所有人的机会平等. S&K科技有限公司. intends that all matters related to all employment actions including but not limited to recruitment, 招聘, 升级, 促销活动, 转移, 降级, 裁员, 回忆, 终止, 头衔, rates of 支付 or other forms of compensation and selection for training including apprenticeship, 以及所有的S&K科技有限公司. ——主办的社交和娱乐活动以及工作上的一切待遇不得有非法的歧视性做法. 除了, 员工 and applicants shall not be subjected to harassment, 恐吓, 威胁, 强迫, or discrimination because they have eng年龄d in or may eng年龄 in any of the following activities:<\/p>\n

  1. Filing a complaint;<\/li>\n
  2. 协助调查的协助或参与调查的, 合规评估, 听力, or any other activity related to the administration of the affirmative action provision of section 503, VEVRAA, 或任何其他联邦政府, 状态, or local law requiring equal opportunity for 残疾人士 or protected veterans;<\/li>\n
  3. Opposing any act or practice made unlawful by section 503, VEVRAA, or their implementing regulations in this part, 或任何其他联邦政府, 状态, or local law requiring equal opportunity for 残疾人士 or protected veterans; or<\/li>\n
  4. Exercising any other right protected by section 503, VEVRAA or their implementing regulations.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    作为政府承包商, 我们有义务保存记录, 向联邦政府报告, and develop a written Affirmative Action Program, which sets forth the practices and procedures which S&K科技有限公司. 是否承诺适用,以确保其对妇女的不歧视和肯定行动的政策, 少数民族, 残疾人士, protected veterans and other protected groups is accomplished. This Affirmative Action Program is available for inspection by any 员工 or applicant for employment, 正常营业时间内, 请澳门威利斯人官方网站的人力资源部. 有兴趣的人士或任何认为自己受到违反本政策的非法歧视的申请人应联系芭芭拉·阿马托, 导演, 人力资源, 周一到周五早上8点.m. 至下午五时.m. MST网址:bamato@sktcorp.以寻求协助。.<\/p>\n

    同时全面负责S&K科技有限公司.\u2019s Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmation Action Programs rests, 最后, 与首席执行官会面, the administration and implementation of these important programs for women, 少数民族, 残疾人士, protected veterans and other protected groups are the responsibility of the S&K科技有限公司.\u2019s Chief Administrative Officer, Josh Maki. 每一个经理, 主管和员工被邀请加入到对平等机会和平权行动原则的全力支持中,每个人都有责任遵守并确保平权行动计划的遵守,并在S方面取得积极成果&K科技有限公司.\u2019s policy on Equal Employment Opportunity.<\/p>\n

    查看S&K科技有限公司. Affirmative Action Program Overview (PDF)<\/a><\/strong>[\/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space]\n Back to Career Center<\/span>\n <\/span>\n<\/a>[vc_separator border_width=”3″ css=”.vc_custom_1601503644398 {padding-top: 80 px !重要;padding-bottom: 80 px !重要;}”][vc_column_text]<\/a><\/p>\n

    THE LAW<\/h4>\n

    Agencies and Labor Organizations Applicants to and 员工 of most private employers, 州和地方政府, 教育机构, 联邦法律保护职业介绍所和劳工组织不受下列歧视:种族, COLOR, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 修订的, protects applicants and 员工 from discrimination in 招聘, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, 推荐, 以及就业的其他方面, 以种族为基础, color, 宗教, 性行为(包括怀孕), 或者国籍.<\/p>\n


    Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 修订的, protect qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of 残疾 in 招聘, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, 推荐, 以及就业的其他方面. 残疾歧视包括不为申请人或雇员的其他合资格的残疾人士的已知身体或精神限制提供合理便利, 排除不适当的困难.<\/p>\n

    The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 修订的, protects applicants and 员工 40 years of 年龄 or older from discrimination based on 年龄 in 招聘, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, 推荐, 以及就业的其他方面.<\/p>\n

    除了 to 性 discrimination prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 修订的, 1963年的同工同酬法案, 修订的, 禁止在向从事基本平等工作的男女支付工资方面存在性别歧视, 在需要同等技能的工作中, 努力, 和责任, 在类似工作条件下, 在同一机构.<\/p>\n

    2008年《澳门威利斯人娱乐》第二章保护申请人和雇员在招聘时不受基于遗传信息的歧视, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, 推荐, 以及就业的其他方面. GINA还限制雇主获取基因信息,并严格限制基因信息的披露. Genetic information includes information about genetic tests of applicants, 员工, 或者他们的家庭成员; the manifestation of diseases or disorders in family members (family medical history); and requests for or receipt of genetic services by applicants, 员工, 或者他们的家庭成员.<\/p>\n

    所有这些联邦法律都禁止受保实体对提出歧视指控的人进行报复, 参与歧视诉讼, or otherwise opposes an unlawful employment practice.<\/p>\n



    There are strict time limits for filing charges of employment discrimination. 保留平等就业机会委员会代表您行事的能力,并保护您提起私人诉讼的权利, 你最终需要这样做吗, you should contact EEOC promptly when discrimination is suspected: The U.S. 平等就业机会委员会(EEOC), 1-800-669-4000(免费)或1-800-669-6820(听力障碍人士的免费TTY号码). EEOC field office information is available at www.平等就业机会委员会.政府或在美国大多数电话簿中都可以找到.S. 政府或联邦政府部分. Additional information about EEOC, including information about charge filing, is available at www.平等就业机会委员会.政府<\/a>.<\/p>\n

    与联邦政府签订合同或分包合同的公司的申请人和雇员受联邦法律保护,不受以下歧视:种族, COLOR, 宗教, 性, 国家原产地行政命令11246, 修订的, prohibits job discrimination 以种族为基础, color, 宗教, 性别或国籍, and requires affirmative action to ensure equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment.<\/p>\n

    INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES: Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, protects qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of 残疾 in 招聘, 促销活动, 放电, 支付, 附加福利, 职业培训, 分类, 推荐, 以及就业的其他方面. 残疾歧视包括不为申请人或雇员的其他合资格的残疾人士的已知身体或精神限制提供合理便利, 排除不适当的困难. 第503条还要求联邦承包商采取平权行动,在各级就业岗位上雇用和提拔合格的残疾人, 包括行政层面.<\/p>\n

    禁用, 最近分离, 其他受保护的, 和武装部队服役奖章退伍军人:1974年《澳门威利斯人官方网站》, 修订的, 38 U.S.C. 4212, 禁止就业歧视,并要求采取平权行动,以雇用和促进残疾退伍军人的就业, recently separated veterans (within three years of 放电 or release from active duty), 其他受保护的退伍军人(在战争中服役的退伍军人,或在战役或远征中服役并获得战役徽章的退伍军人), and Armed Forces service medal veterans (veterans who, 在服役期间, 参加了一个U。.S. military operation for which an Armed Forces service medal was awarded).<\/p>\n

    RETALIATION:\u00a0 Retaliation is prohibited against a person who files a complaint of discrimination, 参与OFCCP程序, or otherwise opposes discrimination under these Federal laws. 任何认为承包商违反了上述授权下的不歧视或平权行动义务的人应立即联系:联邦合同合规项目办公室(OFCCP), U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.华盛顿特区.C. 20210, 1-800-397-6251 (toll-free) or (202) 693-1337 (TTY). OFCCP may also be contacted by e-mail at OFCCP-Public@dol.政府, or by calling an OFCCP regional or district office, 在大多数电话簿中都有列出.S. 政府,劳工部. Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance<\/p>\n

    比赛, COLOR, 国家的起源, 性: 除了 to the protections of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 修订的, 1964年民权法案第六章, 修订的, 禁止基于种族的歧视, color 或者国籍 in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. 如果财政援助的主要目的是提供就业,则就业歧视由第六章予以处理, 或者就业歧视导致或可能导致根据该计划提供服务的歧视. 1972年的教育修正案第九条禁止在接受联邦财政援助的教育项目或活动中基于性别的就业歧视.<\/p>\n

    INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, 禁止在接受联邦财政援助的任何项目或活动中基于残疾的就业歧视. Discrimination is prohibited in all aspects of employment against persons with disabilities who, 有或没有合理的住宿, can perform the essential functions of the job. 如果你认为你在任何接受联邦财政援助的机构的项目中受到歧视, you should immediately contact the Federal 年龄ncy providing such assistance. EEOC 9\/02和OFCCP 8\/08版本可使用11\/09补充EEOC- p \/E-1(修订11\/09)[\/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space]\n Back to Career Center<\/span>\n <\/span>\n<\/a>[\/vc_column][vc_column width=”1\/6″][\/vc_column][\/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][\/vc_column][\/vc_row]\n<\/div>",“受保护的”:假},“摘要”:{“呈现”:“

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